If you are interested in Betfair Trading, then unless you have been living under a rock for the last couple of years, you will have heard about the excitement over Betfair Scalper, the trading course, which is offered by Home Business Direct, a reputable publishing outfit.

Known also as BFScalper, the course teaches anybody with the desire to learn how to make a profit from the Betfair pre-race markets. This means you are making your profits before the race has even started.

What Stuart over at Betfair Scalper has created has definitely shook things up in the trading world, because many of his customers are saying that for the first time ever, somebody has actually broken down the (much needed) detail of trading, and shown them how to make consistent profits.

The course assumes that you have not traded before, and therefore it takes you by the virtual hand and leads you down a very well constructed path towards owning the ability to trade profitably.

There are over 100+ videos on the course (probably far more than that); over 15+ hours of trainin, and all the videos are in HD which leads for a very pleasant viewing experience; but what will strike you immediately, is just the level of detail that Stuart goes into.

Reading many of the customer emails from his members, many of them say the same thing, which is that they have never been taught this way before, and in a manner that just oozes expertise in the area of trading on Betfair.

There has obviously been a lot of effort gone into creating this course, and Betfair Scalper is well known for the level of minute detail that the videos contain, but when you think about it, trading on Betfair is not for the faint-hearted so it is obvious that such detail is needed to succeed.

As I referred to, the Scalper course has a definite structure, and goes as follows:

  • Please start here page
  • Betangel software page
  • Basic pre-race scalping page
  • Advanced method page
  • Member feedback page
  • Information page

Although on each page there are endless videos that explain the concepts you need to learn, and the way the videos kind of morph into each other is genius in a way, because you really do feel that you are learning something valuable along the way.

Then there is the member feedback page, which is shall we say, surprising. Why? Because we have all seen these types of courses advertised, but the proof, as we say, really is in the pudding, and on the member feedback page there are very many examples where members have written in to Stuart showing him their profit and loss accounts from Betfair.

Stuart also compiles video critiques for his members to dig down even deeper into the detail, to help them improve their performance.

There is one member who sent in his email showing 48 winning trades in a row, and many similar examples of Stuart’s members making consistent profits. Here are a few examples:

And there are hundreds more, so it really looks like it is producing what is advertised on the tin.

So if you are tired of getting all your bookie accounts restricted for winning too much money (happens a lot!), then consider trading on Betfair instead, where you are trading against the markets. Betfair do not ban people for making too much profit. The attract success from their participants!

And remember that trading is also tax free.

The course comes with a complete 60 day money back guarantee, and the price is a snip for what you get in return.

So if you are interested in learning how to trade the pre-race markets on Betfair, get yourself over to Betfair Scalper today and take a look at what everyone is talking about.

Click here to visit the Betfair Scalper Course